Thursday, January 3, 2013

Visa renewal of Housemaid Sponsored by an Expatriate

*    Visa renewal of Housemaid Sponsored by an Expatriate

ü  Required Documents:
• Prepaid Application Form.
• Maid's original passport.
• Copy of sponsor's and wife's passport.
• 3 photographs of the maid with white background (one on the application's front page, one overleaf and one for Maid's labor card.
• Original Medical Certificate.
• Copy of Tenancy Contract
• If the sponsor is a private sector employee; Attested copy of his Employment Contract.
• If the sponsor is a Government / Free zone Employee; Copy of Salary Certificate.
• If the sponsor is an Investor/Partner: Copy of the Contract showing his shareholding, Copy and original of the partners' financial security deposit, copy of the Trade License and Partners List. 
• Employment Contract to be signed by the Sponsor and the Maid. This Contract will be given by the Immigration Staff at the time of submitting the Application. Immigration Staff will ask the Salary of Maid to enter in the employment contract. It will be convenient to sign the Contract if the Maid accompanied at the time of submission.
 There is 30 days grace period from the date of Visa expiry.
Should you require more clarifications please feel free to contact me on