Tuesday, February 28, 2012



Company registration

To operate from within the SAIF-Zone, a company has to be incorporated. The Legal Status of the companies in SAIF-Zone is classified as here under.

1. Free Zone Company (F.Z.C)

Two or more legally capable persons natural or juridical can establish a Free Zone Company in SAIF-Zone with a minimum capital of AED.150, 000/- or its equivalent in US Dollars. In normal cases the maximum number of shareholders is up to 5 and if approved by the SAIF-Zone management the maximum number of shareholders can go up to 7 shareholders. Liability shall be limited to the FZC's share capital.

2. Free Zone Establishment (F.Z.E)

A legally capable person natural or juridical can establish a Free Zone Establishment in SAIF-Zone. In other words there shall be only one owner (shareholder) in a Free Zone Establishment. The minimum amount of capital required is AED.150, 000/- or its equivalent in US Dollars. Liability shall be limited to the FZE's share capital

Benefits which SAIF Zone offer to businesses are as follows:

100% foreign ownership.

100% repatriation of capital and profits

100% exemption from corporate and personal income tax.

No import/export duties.

25 year leases extended for a similar period.

Sponsorship and visas for all staff.

24x7 operational freedom.

Facility rental protection.

Documents Required

    FZE /FZC forms to be filled

  Project Summary

  Passport copy of the Owners / Managers

  A minimum Company Capital of AED 150,000/- to be deposited in any bank in UAE (can be withdrawn in a few days)

You also need to submit to us the following letters in original viz.:

  Auditors appointment Letter in original (registered with SAIF-Zone);

Bank Certificate in original, specifying the capital.

Cost Guidelines

License Cost depends on the activity of license required.
For more information's please feel free to contact me on rupeshpr@hotmail.com or 
call me 00971-553660266