Company registration
To operate from within the SAIF-Zone, a company has to be incorporated. The Legal Status of the companies in SAIF-Zone is classified as here under.
1. Free Zone Company (F.Z.C)
Two or more legally capable persons natural or juridical can establish a Free Zone Company in SAIF-Zone with a minimum capital of AED.150, 000/- or its equivalent in US Dollars. In normal cases the maximum number of shareholders is up to 5 and if approved by the SAIF-Zone management the maximum number of shareholders can go up to 7 shareholders. Liability shall be limited to the FZC's share capital.
2. Free Zone Establishment (F.Z.E)
A legally capable person natural or juridical can establish a Free Zone Establishment in SAIF-Zone. In other words there shall be only one owner (shareholder) in a Free Zone Establishment. The minimum amount of capital required is AED.150, 000/- or its equivalent in US Dollars. Liability shall be limited to the FZE's share capital
Benefits which SAIF Zone offer to businesses are as follows:
100% foreign ownership.
100% repatriation of capital and profits
100% exemption from corporate and personal income tax.
No import/export duties.
25 year leases extended for a similar period.
Sponsorship and visas for all staff.
24x7 operational freedom.
Facility rental protection.
Documents Required
FZE /FZC forms to be filled
Project Summary
Passport copy of the Owners / Managers
A minimum Company Capital of AED 150,000/- to be deposited in any bank in UAE (can be withdrawn in a few days)
You also need to submit to us the following letters in original viz.:
Auditors appointment Letter in original (registered with SAIF-Zone);
Bank Certificate in original, specifying the capital.
Cost Guidelines
License Cost depends on the activity of license required.
For more information's please feel free to contact me on or
call me 00971-553660266
call me 00971-553660266